An Investment Due Diligence Guide

As an investor, you have questions you need answered. Due diligence helps identify and confirm risks inherent in investing, allowing for informed decisions.

Investment due diligence is a crucial step that should be done early in your decision-making process. Before making an investment, get an in-depth view of criminal, civil, financial, and reputation issues to protect yourself from rotten investments.

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Why Conduct Investment Due Diligence

There are many examples of the consequences of failed due diligence. When you miss red flags - and even the largest companies do -  the result can be costly.  

A company might appear to be successful on the surface, but information can be manipulated or key facts omitted to impress investors.

A comprehensive due diligence investigation done by professional investigators helps you uncover the truth about potential liabilities and risks before you move forward with an investment. Having all this information in front of you in a concise manner is invaluable. 

It’s easy to get started with investment due diligence by answering a few simple questions or read on to learn more about what you can uncover.

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What Is Investment
Due Diligence?

Before you can confidently move forward with an investment, whether that’s private equity, venture capital or M&A, you need to have information about the company and the individuals who own or run the company. 

Investment due diligence makes you aware of potential issues before you commit your hard-earned capital.

While financial information is obviously important to investors, you need to know more than whether the bottom line looks good. There are many other issues and red flags that might threaten the success of your investment, and they can all be uncovered in the due diligence process. Current or past criminal or civil court proceedings, reputation issues and negative media, credit issues or bankruptcies, and many other issues can impact your decision. 

Here, you’ll learn more about the reasons for investment due diligence and how to get started.

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What can The investigators uncover?

Reputation Issues

Uncover negative news, customer complaints, and professional license issues associated with companies and individuals.


Global Negative News

Professional License Verification

Consumer Complaint Database

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Criminal Activity

Find out if officers have a criminal history, pending charges, or are flagged on any government watchlists.


National Criminal & Sex Offender Database

Real-time Federal, State and County Criminal

Government Sanctions & Watchlists (KYC & AML)

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Contract Disputes

Learn about civil disputes, breach of contract disputes and employment lawsuits associated with the companies and its officers.


National Civil Record Search

Real-time County Civil Record

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Financial Risks

Reveal bankruptcies, tax liens, judgements and credit issues that your investment subject may be hiding or unaware of.


Bankruptcy History

Judgements and Liens

Business Credit Report

UCC Filings & Watchlists

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Important Steps For Investment Due Diligence

The process of investment due diligence starts with data collection - and that’s something we’re good at. We put together all the facts you need related to companies and the key people at the helm. We deliver it to you in a clear format that’s easy to understand, with summaries and alerts to draw your attention to issues.

Knowing what to look for is one thing, but knowing where to find the information is another.  Our professional, licensed investigators have years of experience in combing verified sources to uncover everything you need.

Here are some key steps:
Step 1

Information Gathering

Step 2

Financial Analysis

Step 3

Legal Review

Step 4

Management and Team Assessment

Step 5

Risk Assessment

Step 6

Final Evaluation

Why Business Screen?

Our goal is to give you confidence in your business decisions by providing comprehensive background checks on companies and their officers. We offer an expert team of investigators, and our service covers all 50 states in the United States. We also have a presence in more than 200 international locations.

Using proven methods and technology, our investment due diligence provides accurate results and actionable insights in just a few days.

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Explore a Sample Report

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Executive Summary

The licensed private investigator who conducts your report provides a clear executive summary to help you make decisions.

Alert Summary

See any risk alerts at a glance in the summary rollup at the top of the report.

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Detailed Risk Assessment

See financial, operational, legal, and reputational risk exposure.

Message an Investigator

Still have questions? You can direct message your investigator.

How to Get Started

The first step is a consultation with our experts to gain a clear understanding of your needs and make sure our services will meet those needs. We’ll also provide information about our online platform, and give you a demonstration of how it works.

What to Expect Next

If you decide to go ahead with our investment due diligence services, the next steps are as follows:


We will provide a detailed quote that takes into account your unique needs and expectations


You use our online platform to provide basic information and submit a request


Our team tracks down and compiles all necessary information


Your report is made available online, including an executive summary


Our investigator is available to answer your questions

Don’t Delay Your Investment Due Diligence

When you see what looks like a good investment, whether it’s a mature company or a promising startup, it’s tempting to dive in. But early due diligence is a must. Is there something you’re not being told? Find out!

Most firms spend a great deal of time and effort on potential investments. If the deal falls through, as many inevitably do, that time and effort (and of course the associated cost) is wasted.

Close up of a business person writing on a document

Start Now

Make sure you have the facts you need. At Business Screen, we have the team and resources to get your due diligence done quickly.  For a free consultation and information on pricing, get in touch today!

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